Scientific board

Meet our team

Scientific board

ALAN – Maladies Rares Luxembourg is supported by a Scientific Advisory Board composed of experts in different specialties of medicine and research. These experts have graciously agreed to volunteer their skills and expertise to ALAN.

Pediatrics - Endocrinology, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of the University of Luxembourg

Jean Beissel


Internal Medicine - Cardiology, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg

Internal Medicine – Oncology, Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch

Claude Braun

Professor - Doctor

Internal Medicine - Nephrology, Hôpitaux Robert Schuman/Hôpital Kirchberg

Epidemiology, Clinical and Epidemiological Investigations Center of the Luxembourg Institute of Health

Neurology, Centre Hospitalier du Nord

Rejko Krüger

Professor - Doctor

Neurology, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of the University of Luxembourg

Fernand Pauly


Functional rehabilitationn - Pediatrics, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg

Pneumonology, Hôpitaux Robert Schuman/Hôpital Kirchberg

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