Operational team

Meet our team

Operational team

ALAN’s operational team manages and carries out the daily activities of the association. These include the psycho-social consultations, the recreational activities, the awareness-raising and communication campaigns and administrative services.

Gwennaëlle Crohin

Assistant Director - Head of the psycho-social counselling service

Martine Dondelinger

Social Worker

Suzanna Ferreira

Social Worker

Melanie Fonck

Social worker

Paula Manniello

Social worker

Hugo Leite

Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Corinne Thill

Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Yasmine Wampach

Psychologist - Psychotherapist

Denise de Waal, PhD

National Rare Disease Alliance Coordinator

Sarah Weiler, PhD

Communications Manager

Lydie Wio-Squeo

Office Staff - Accounting

Get in touch if you have questions or need support